Pre-Participation Physical Information
Upcoming PPE Events
No Upcoming Events
The cost for a PPE is $20 CASH ONLY. Click Links Above for all the details!
The Bryan ISD Sports Medicine Department recognizes the importance of a Pre-Participation Physical Exam (PPE) in detecting and identifying underlying health conditions which are important to be aware of and understand prior to participation in strenuous activity such as organized sport. Because of this Bryan ISD requires a new PPE each academic year. PPEs become valid for the upcoming academic year on April 1st. Any form dated prior to April 1st will only be valid for the remainder of the current academic year.
In order to ensure that the student-athlete's PPE is documented on the most current UIL form the Bryan ISD Sports Medicine Department will provide copies beginning April 1st. The UIL periodically makes changes to the required form, if the PPE is documented on an outdated form it can not be accepted and the family may have to return to the physician's office to have the PPE documented on the current form. The student-athlete's PPE and online forms must be complete and on file prior to participation in any athletic practice or event before, during or after school.
Because an individual's primary care physician (PCP) has a working knowledge of his/her medical history, it is the belief of the Bryan ISD Sports Medicine Department that this is the best person to perform the student-athletes PPE. For this reason, Bryan ISD highly encourages student-athletes to obtain their PPE from his/her PCP. In addition to this, most insurances allow for an annual wellness exam at no cost which may include the necessary PPE. Check with your PCP to determine if this applies to your situation. It is also important to note that if the student-athlete has a known medical condition including but not limited to asthma, cardiac conditions, diabetes, seizures or severe allergies requiring the use of epinephrine, additional documentation is required to be completed by the treating physician or PCP. These required forms can be printed from the Participation Documents page on the Athletic Department website.
Because we understand that individual circumstances may make it difficult for families to obtain the student-athlete's PPE from his/her PCP, the Bryan ISD Sports Medicine Department offers low cost PPE events annually. These events are open to all Bryan ISD students who plan to participate in athletics or fine arts at the middle school or high school level. During these events student have the opportunity to get their PPE and a voluntary ECG screening. See below for additional information and upcoming events.
Important Information To Know Before Attending A PPE Event
· Bring the current UIL PPE form with medical history completed and parent signature. Student-athletes with an incomplete form or without a parent signature may not receive a PPE.
Student-athletes with corrected vision should bring glasses or contacts to the PPE event. A vision exam is part of the PPE, vision in one or both eyes less than 20/40 may result in the need for further evaluation prior to participation.
Student-athletes with known medical conditions including but not limited to asthma, cardiac conditions, diabetes, seizures and/or severe allergies requiring epinephrine should not attend a BISD PPE event and should see their PCP. Additional documentation is required for known medical conditions, these forms can be printed from the Participation Documents page of the Athletic Department website.
Complete all BISD/UIL Online Forms